Having nothing really to say or rant about at the moment I think I can share a little about my situation.
I live with my ex girlfriend. A girl people familiar with my other blog know as Siren. Who happens to be my best friend in the whole world and my business partner in teaching the art of Pick Up to men and women.
Simply put, I'm a professional Pick Up Artist who lives with his Ex Girlfriend.
Yeah we think so, we actually find it fairly comical.
Now I'm sure your wondering what the women I meet think of the situation.
Prepare to be shocked as I constantly am.
They find it attractive.
Most women have had an experience where they break up with a guy and he turns into a total Dick. They throw the bond they had with this woman down the toilet. They say that they can just be friends but they seem to fuck it up somehow. And that is why when women look at my situation they think, "Wow this guy is cool," They admire the fact that my ex and I are so close. They admire the fact that we are still living together.
And what does this say about me?
I'm mature and not afraid of commitment. I moved in with my girlfriend. It shows that I am not an emotional idiot who goes nuts when things go bad because neither of us moved out when things got bad. We accepted it and moved forward. I'm not saying it didn't have some issues. But we did it. And the women I meet seem to like that.
Both Siren and I think its funny.
So learn from me people. Stay friends with your ex's it can pay off in a lot of ways. Siren is truly the best friend and roommate Ive ever had and I wouldn't trade her for the world.
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